征集函 | 世界汉学中心“重勘百部汉学经典”出版项目(第二期)_国际汉学研究——汉学,汉学家,汉学研究,sinology,china studies

征集函 | 世界汉学中心“重勘百部汉学经典”出版项目(第二期)

来源:未知 作者:admin 时间:2024-09-27 10:33

01 |代表性学术著作相关要求
02 | 项目支持
03 | 著作保护
04 | 项目筹备处联系方式
电 话:19969980620
邮 箱:lijiajia@cctss.org
Dear Sinologists:
The World Sinology Centre would like to launch the project of "Publication of One Hundred Publications on Sinology and China Studies" (hereinafter referred to as "the Project"). The Project aims to consolidate the academic foundation of the World Sinology Centre, strengthen the accumulation of academic achievements in Sinology and China Studies, and further promote the academic cooperation and development of Sinology in the world.
The Project intends to include representative academic works of renowned Sinologists from the world, and to provide financial support for the publication of the translation work in Chinese. We are pleased to learn that you have long been engaged in academic research related to Sinology and China Studies, and are committed to promoting the exchange and mutual understanding between Chinese and foreign civilizations with remarkable achievements and far-sightedness, and we are very much in admiration of you, so we hereby invite you to submit your representative academic works. If you are willing to do so, please send the electronic version of your work (in Word and PDF format) and the information sheet of your work (see annex) to the Preparatory Office of this project without time limitation.
The specific matters related to this project are advised as follows:
01 | Requirements related to representative academic writings
(i) Quantity: 1 to 3 representative academic writings.
(ii) Theme: China-related, with no restriction on the field of research.
(iii) Word count: not less than 100,000 words per work.
(iv) Language: native language or Chinese.
(v) Other requirements:
1. Published works on Chinese language research will not be included.
2. Translation works will not be included.
02 | Project Costs
Once the representative works provided by you are included, the works will be translated and published by the World Sinology Center and published by Beijing Language and Culture University Press.
03 | Protection of writings
All writings provided will be protected by a confidentiality agreement.
04 | Contact Details
Contact Person: Ms. Li Jiajia
Tel: 19969980620
E-mail: lijiajia@cctss.org
The project is hosted by the Qingdao World Sinology Centre, Beijing Language and Culture University. We will notify you of any other matters not covered in this letter according to the preparation of the programme.
合作出版社简介:北京语言大学出版社(Beijing Language and Culture University Press,BLCUP)是中国唯一一家对外汉语教学与研究专业出版社。是当今中国对外汉语教学与研究领域最具影响力的专业出版社。凭借其专业特色和读者特点,其国际影响力在中国出版界中首屈一指。北京语言大学出版社具有图书、期刊、音像、电子出版物出版权和互联网出版权,是中国唯一一家国际汉语教学与研究专业出版社。北语社是国家一级出版社,全国百佳图书出版单位,中国图书对外推广先进单位,国家文化出口重点企业,全国首批数字出版转型示范单位,全国双语教育先进单位。

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