MING QING STUDIES 2014 is an annual periodical publication dedicated primarily to advanced studies concerning Late Imperial China and the geo-cultural area of East Asia in pre-modern and modern period. This journal provides a forum for scholars from a variety of fields seeking to bridge the gap between ‘oriental’ and western studies. Contributions by young and post-graduated scholars are particularly welcome. The articles in this volume concern historical problems, crime fiction, symbols in fine arts, the history of ideas, gender and literature.
In this volume:
LAVINIA BENEDETTI: Killing Di Gong: Rethinking Van Gulik’s Translation Of Late Qing Dynasty Novel Wu Zetian Si Da Qi’an.
HE YANRAN : Sage Descendants Fight: A History of the Master You Ancestral Hall in Chongming.
KHEE HEONG KOH: Claiming Authority in Lineage Leadership – A Fujian Case Study.
LEE CHEUK YIN: The Child-heart Mind: Li Zhi (1527-1602) and Intellectual Changes in Late Ming China.
LIU FEIYING : Powerful Bonds: Male Homosocial Desire in Pu Songling’s Liaozhai Zhiyi.
OLIVIA MILBURN: Strange Stories of Judge Shi: Imagining a Manchu Investigator in Early Imperial China.
FRANCESCO PARODI : The Taiping Rebellion in the Letters of the Catholic Fathers in China.
WANG BING : Poetry Anthologies’ Strategy for Constructing of Literary History: A Focus on Contemporary Anthologies of the Early Qing.
WANG YIZHOU : The Origin, Transformation and Representation of the Double Lotus.
YUAN XING : Leaving the ‘Boudoir’ for the Outside World: Travel and Travel Writings by Women from the Late Ming to the Late Qing Periods.
Publisher Aracne editrice: info@aracneeditrice.it
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人物简介 索尼娅布雷思勒(Sonia Bressler),法国作家,2005年毕业于巴黎第十二大学,获哲学与认识论博士学位,现任教于巴...
金泰成(김태성),韩国著名翻译家,韩国汉声文化硏究所所长。1959年出生于韩国首尔, 毕业于韩国外国语大学中文系, 获文...
邓肯(Campbell Murray Duncan),新西兰汉学家和翻译家,曾任澳大利亚国立大学亚太学院汉学系教授,现任《新西兰亚洲研究杂...
梅约翰(John Makeham) ,著名汉学家,现为澳大利亚国立大学教授,拉伯筹大学中国学研究中心主任,《现代中国哲学》(M...
伊维德(Wilt L.Idema),1944年出生于荷兰的达伦(Dalen),在荷兰莱顿大学学习中国语言与文学。1968~1970年先后在日本札幌的...
李莎(Lisa Carducci)是加拿大著名的作家、诗人、翻译家和油画艺术家。早年曾就读于蒙特利尔大学,获文字学与语言学博士...
林西莉教授 林西莉(Cecilia Lindqvist)生于1932年。瑞典最著名的汉学家之一,也是作家和摄影家。自20世纪70年代起便致力于汉...