中 國 經 典 文 獻 工 具 書 錄(美)_国际汉学研究——汉学,汉学家,汉学研究,sinology,china studies

中 國 經 典 文 獻 工 具 書 錄(美)

来源:译研网 作者:时间:2013-03-31 19:47



中 國 經 典 文 獻 工 具 書 錄

Compiled by Benjamin A. Elman

Professor of East Asian Studies and History, Princeton University

With the help of Ping-yi Chu (Academia Sinica, Institute of History and Philology), Xiaoping Cong (University of Houston), Miaw-fen Lu (Academia Sinica, Institute of Modern History), Sam Gilbert (UCLA, ABD), Adam Schorr (Ph.D., UCLA East Asian Languages and Cultures Department), Susan Schneller, School of Historical Studies, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, N.J., and William Wooldridge (Bryn Mawr College). The search engine and frames were developed by Qiaoxiao Shao.

This information system is an official Asian Studies WWW Virtual Library Associate site.

  • Google Search for Classical Historiography Website ONLY:
    Materials have also been included from bibliography courses at the University of Pennsylvania 1975-1977. Thanks are especially due Professors Susan Naquin, W. Allyn Rickett, and more recently Nathan Sivin. This new version of the website is now located at Princeton University and is hosted in the East Asian Studies Department and Program website. It has been updated and now includes four major new features:

    1) all entries are alphabetized within each section;

    2) the romanization has been switched to Pinyin. Although this website uses Pinyin, it splits up words into phonemes, making Chinese appear to be a monosyllabic language. The Library of Congress has preferred a character-by-character romanization, and thus we follow LOC guidelines. But users of this website should note that the division into words (ci 辭 or 詞) as opposed to characters (zi 字) is still the usual basis for the Pinyin romanization of Chinese in China and most libraries there;

    3) the entire site is now equipped with a global search engine, in addition to the guided Table of Contents below.

    4) the guided Table of Contents for the Electronic Resources part has been enhanced and reclassified to be intuitively clearer.

    The site will also be linked to another specialized site in the East Asian Studies Department on additional sources for Ming-Qing history, which is being prepared by Professor Susan Naquin.

    All materials are under copyright: 1996 by Benjamin A. Elman.

    Last Major Revision: January, 2007.

    This list may be cited and reproduced for non-profit educational purposes only, provided credits and copyright are acknowledged. Links to this site should mention the Princeton University East Asian Studies Department and Program as the URL site and the compiler of the materials as the "author."

    Two documents that may be of help in orienting onself to use these materials are:

  • 2.Relevant Electronic Resources for Chinese Studies

    4. Selected List Of Bibliographical & Geographical Aids and Chronologies in Chinese, Japanese & Western Languages

    5. Biographical Aids

    6. Some Aids For Translating Chinese Official Titles & Institutions

    7. Reference Guide to Classical Book Titles

    8. The Four Parts of the Imperial Library

    Return Return to Summary Table of Contents

    9. Select Bibliography of Chinese Classics & Literature In Translation With Recent Related Histories

    Return Return to Summary Table of Contents
    五經 儒學 道家 釋迦牟尼 諸子 文獻 大眾 文 化 中國 科 學 史 中國 通 史 & World History 法學 史 藝術 史 Dynasty (trad. 1766-1123 B.C.)

    10. Selected English Bibliography For Chinese Civilization: A Brief Topical and Historical Survey to Ming Times

    11. Sources For The Ming Dynasty

    Return Return to Summary Table of Contents

    12. Sources For The Qing Dynasty

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