Full-text Databases_国际汉学研究——汉学,汉学家,汉学研究,sinology,china studies

Full-text Databases

来源:译研网 作者:时间:2013-03-31 19:41


Text Collections

  1. Essential!
    漢籍電子文獻 (Scripta Sinica) (Academia Sinica Computer Center (ASCC), Taiwan)
    Language: Chinese (Big5).
    Resource type: Fulltext database.
    Description: One of the major fulltext database projects currently under way. The texts are carefully proofread and relatively reliable. Currently (Oct 1999) the database contains some 140 mio characters, growth rate is 10 mio characters per annum. Although the search program is extremely mighty, most of its capabilities remain unexploited in the WWW version (see note below).
    Site contents: (1) Ershiwu shi 二十五史 (25 Histories); (2) Shisan jing zhushu 十三經注疏 (13 Classics with Commentaries); (3) Ancient Chinese Texts (excerpts) 上古漢語語料庫--摘要 (includes Lunyu 論語, Mengzi 孟子, Mozi 墨子, Zhuangzi 莊子, Xunzi 荀子, Hanfeizi 韓非子, Lücshi chunqiu 呂氏春秋, Laozi 老子, Shangjunshu 商君書, Guanzi 管子, Yanzi chunqiu 晏子春秋, Sunzi 孫子); (4) Taiwan fangzhi 臺灣方志 (Local Histories of Taiwan); (5) Taiwan dang'an 臺灣檔案 (Taiwan Historical Archive); (6) Taiwan wenxian 臺灣文獻 (Documents from Taiwan); (7) Wenxin diaolong 文心雕龍; (8) Fojing sanlun 佛經三論 (Three Treatises of Buddhist Canon); (9) Yao Jiheng zhuzuoji 姚際恒著作集 (Collected Works of Yao Jiheng); (10) Xin Qing shi 新清史 - 本紀; (11) Yuefu shiji 樂府詩集.
    Access to the following parts of the database is restricted: (1) Zhuzi 諸子 (Pre-Han Philosophers); (2) Guji shiba zhong 古籍十八種 (18 Ancient Texts); (3) Guji sanshisi zhong 古籍三十四種 (34 Ancient Texts); (4) Dazheng xinxiu da zangjing 大正新脩大藏經 (Taisho Tripitaka); (5) Qingdai jingshi wenbian 清代經世文編; (6) Zhonghua minguo shishi rizhi 中華民國史事日誌 (Diary of the Republic of China, 1912-1949).
    Note: For sophisticated research purposes the telnet version remains the best solution. European scholars may use the telnet access to the 25 Histories at Heidelberg University. A detailed description of all its possiblities will be available there soon (Nov. 1999).
    Added/revised on 23 Oct 1999 (HL)


  2. Essential!
    國學 = Guoxue.com (Guoxue.com, Beijing, China)
    Language: Chinese (GB).
    Description: A magnificent website containing a huge amount of Chinese full text primary and secondary sources including whole books; short biographies of several hundred past and present scholars, buddhists, book collectors, etc.; contents or full text of relevant journals; discussion boards, state of the art reports, etc. etc. Unfortunately no working search engine provided. The people behind are academics from various institutions.
    Site contents: (1) 典籍 Classical texts (十三經 13 Classics; 史 Histories; 子 Philosophers; 集 Miscellaneous); (2) 專題 Special sections (古籍整理出版情況簡報 Reports on publications about the work on ancient books; 佛學研究 Buddhist studies; 唐代研究 Tang studies; 詩歌研究 Studies on poetry and lyrics; 古籍善本 Ancient rare books; 小說研究 Studies on novels; 納蘭研究 Studies on Nalan Xingde; 敦煌百年 Dunhuang studies; etc.); (3) 學人 Scholars' biographies (國學大師 Scholars of National Studies; 近代學者 Modern scholars; 當代學人 Present scholars; etc.); (4) 交流 Exchange (國學論壇 Discussion board on National Studies; 學術交流 Scholarly exchange; etc.); (5) and more:學術消息 News in the field; 今人新書 New publications; 表 Historical and biographical tables; 學術期刊 Journals [parts in full text, part ToC only, parts not working at all - HL]; etc.
    Added 08 Jan 2002 (HL)

  3. Essential!
    書海文源 Shuhai Wenyuan (Department of Philosophy, University of Hawai'i, Hawai'i, USA)
    Language: English, with parts in Chinese (Big5).
    Self description: "Shuhai Wenyuan provides academically rigorous texts and tools in an innovative Worktable format to facilitate the reading, researching, and understanding of ancient Chinese philosophy."
    Description: An impressive project in simple design, but with a wealth of resources in the background: all Han and pre-Han texts from the Chinese Ancient Texts (CHANT) project of the Chinese University of Hong Kong are to be included (work in progress), a full text version of Pulleyblanks celebrated Outline of Classical Chinese Grammar is there, and behind all you'll find a dictionary put together from various sources such as deFrancis' ABC Chinese-English Dictionary (for Pinyin transcriptions), Charles Muller's Dictionary of East Asian Literary Terms (for meanings), Baxter's reconstructions of pre-modern Chinese pronuciation, and others.
    Site contents: (1) Worktable (currently available texts: 大學 Daxue, 老子道德經 Laozi Daode jing, 論語 Lunyu, 孟子 Mengzi, Morals of Confucius, 尚書 Shangshu, 詩經 Shijing, 易經 Yijing, 中庸 Zhongyong, 莊子 Zhuangzi; Outline of Classical Chinese Grammar by E. Pulleyblank; more to be included); (2) Content; (3) Customize; (4) Optimize; (5) Personnel; (6) Endorsements; (7) Technical; (8) Cite; (9) FAQ; (10) Contact; (11) Copyright.
    Note: Frames capable browser needed! For full access to the database a free account has to be established.
    Resource suggested by Jan Ischebeck, Bonn, Germany.
    Added 31 May 2003 (HL)

  4. Essential!
    Hanquan Database of Ancient Texts 故宮【寒泉】古典文獻全文檢索資料庫 (Chen Yufu 陳郁夫, Palace Museum Taipei, Taiwan)
    Language: Chinese (Big5).
    Resource type: Searchable fulltext database.
    Description: This widely known database is now freely available on-line! The search interface is simple but efficient, at least Boolean searches (and/or) are possible, and within each textcorpus you can search single parts or the whole text. The results include the context of the search word/phrase, and references to the printed edition (volume, page, etc.).
    Site contents: (1) Shisan jing 十三經 (based on Ruan Yuan's 阮元 edition, but without commentaries); (2) Xian-Qin zhuzi 先秦諸子 (Pre-Qin Philosophers; containing Xunzi 荀子, Laozi 老子, Zhuangzi 莊子, Liezi 列子, Mozi 墨子, Yanzi Chunqiu 晏子春秋, Guanzi 管子, Shangjunshu 商君書, Shenzi 慎子, Hanfeizi 韓非子, Sunzi 孫子, Wuzi 吳子, Yinwenzi 尹文子, Lüshi chunqiu 呂氏春秋); (3) Quan Tang shi 全唐詩 (Complete Tang Poems; based on the Zhonghua shuju 中華書局 edition in 25 vols); (4) Song Yuan xu'an 宋元學案; (5) Mingru xue'an 明儒學案; (6) Siku quanshu zongmu 四庫全書總目; (7) Zhuzi yulei 朱子語類; (8) Hong lou meng 紅樓夢 (Dream of the Red Chamber); (9) Baisha quanji 白沙全集 (Complete works of Chen Xianzhang 陳憲章, 15th c.); (10) Zizhi tongjian 資治通鑑; (11) Xu Zizhi tongjian 續資治通鑑; (12) Ershiwu shi 二十五史 (25 Histories; each to be searched eperately). More texts will be added in the future.
    Note: No access restriction! (But frames capable browser needed).
    Added 22 Oct 1999 (HL), last revised 28 Oct 2008 (HL).

  5. Very useful
    中华文化网 (Chinese Culture Net) (Wu Hengsheng 吳恆昇, Seneca College, Toronto, Canada)
    Language: Chinese (Big5).
    Description: Wu Hengsheng, former student of the Institute of International Business at the National Taiwan University and currently enrolled at Seneca College in Toronto, Canada, has put on-line an impressive amount of basic works of Chinese philosophy, literature, and history.
    Site contents: (1) Zhou-Dynasty Philosophers 諸子百家 (Si shu 四書; Kongzi jiayu 孔子家語; Xunzi 荀子; Zhouyi 周易; Shangshu 尚書; Zhouli 周禮; Yili 儀禮; Liji 禮記; Xiaojing 孝經; Chunqiu fanlu [Dong Zhongshu] 董仲舒春秋繁露; Han shi wai zhuan [Han Ying] 韓嬰韓詩外傳; Kong Congzi [Kong Fu] 孔鮒孔叢子; Yantie lun [Heng Kuan] 桓寬鹽鐵論; Xin yu [Lu Jia] 陸賈新語; Fa yan [Yang Xiong] 揚雄法言; Xin shu [Jia Yi] 賈誼新書; Xin xu [Liu Xiang] 劉向新序; Shuo yuan [Liu Xiang] 劉向說苑; Qianfu lun jian jiaozheng [Wang Fu] 王符潛夫論箋校正; Zhong lun [Xu Han] 徐幹中論; [...]); (2) History & Biographies 歷史傳記; (3) Literature & Culture 文學藝術; (4) Poetry 古詩詞曲; (5) Technology & Science 科學技藝; (6) Prose 古今散文; (7) Novels 精彩小說; (8) Recommended Websites 網站推薦.
    Added 29 Apr 1999 (HL), last revised 06 Mar 2005 (MA/HL).

  6. Very useful
    数字方志资源库 (Digital local gazetteers) (中国国家图书馆, Beijing, China)
    Language: Chinese.
    Description: Full access to the rich collection of old local gazetteers (up to the Republican Era) held by the National Library of China (scanned images only!). The holdings can be searched by title, author, publisher, date, location and table of contents. However, no full text search is possible.
    Resource suggested by Shenxiao Tong (University of Edinburgh, UK).
    Added 16 Nov 2008 (HL)

  7. Very useful
    民国资源库 = Digital resources from the Republican Era (中国国家图书馆, Beijing, China)
    Language: Chinese.
    Description: Full text access to (as of Nov 2008) 8172 titles of books, 4329 titles of periodicals and 8112 items of laws and legal documents from the Republican period.
    Availability: Free.
    Resource suggested by Shenxiao Tong, University of Edinburgh, UK.
    Added 17 Nov 2008 (HL)

  8. Useful
    Chinese Text Project = 中國哲學書電子化計劃 (Donald Sturgeon)
    Language: English; Chinese (GB).
    Supplied note: "I am a graduate of Chinese philosophy, and have been developing an online e-text system since writing my graduation thesis, when I found that there were no resources on the web that met my particular needs. The aim of the site is to make use of hyperlinks and server-side scripting to create interactive, searchable versions of classic texts of Chinese philosophy which remain completely true to the originals. Standard English and modern Chinese translations of several texts are also integrated into the system (more to be added). I think the site would be particularly useful for anyone studying Mozi, as this is the text I am most interested in and has therefore been the subject of much of my work on the site so far."
    Contents: (1) Mozi 墨子; (2) Lunyu 論語; (3) Mengzi 孟子; (4) Han Feizi 韓非子; (5) Zhuangzi 莊子; (6) Huainanzi 淮南子; (7) Shiji 史記; (8) Liji 禮記; (9) Gongsun Longzi 公孫龍子; (10) Daodejing 道德經; (11) Xunzi 荀子; (12) Commentaries and translations into Modern Chinese 校注與白話今譯 (墨子閒詁; 墨子白話今譯; 論語譯注).
    Resource suggested by Donald Sturgeon.
    Added 21 Jun 2006 (HL)

  9. Very useful
    香港文學資料庫 (Hong Kong Literature Database) (Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China)
    Language: Chinese (UTF-8).
    Description: Database of literature from Hong Kong, containing some 200,000 texts. The database is searchable for author, title, abstract, and keywords. Full text search is also available for literature that appeared in the journals Zhongguo xuesheng zhoubao 中國學生周報, Xianggang wenxue 香港文學, and Shifeng 詩風. Other sources for the database include monograph and periodical holdings of the library of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, University thesises, as well as literature columns from newspapers.
    Note: Only part of the database is available as full text (in Adobe Acrobat Reader format), accessible via the menu item liulan qikan 瀏覽期刊.
    Resource suggested by Nicolai Volland, Institute for Chinese Studies, Heidelberg University.
    Added 31 May 2004 (HL)

  10. Useful
    郭店楚簡 (Chu Bamboo Strips of Guodian) (Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China)
    Language: Chinese (Big5).
    Self description: [transl. from the Chinese:] "The database of "Chu Bamboo Strips of Guodian" is a collaborative project of the Library of the Chinese University of Hong Kong and Prof. Zhang Guangyu 張光裕 (Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Chinese University of Hong Kong). The project consists mainly of Zhang Guangyu's book "郭店楚簡研究" (Taipei : Yiwen yinshuguan, 1999-), which has been made available as searchable database on the Web. [...] The Chu Bamboo Strips from Guodian were excavated in 1993 at Guodian (Jingmen district, Hubei province), numbering 703 strips with 12072 characters. The strips date back to the late Warring States period and contain 16 Taoist and Confucian texts."
    Description: The database allows very simple searches for slip number, slip title, and slip content (full-text); no further capabilities (e.g. results handling etc.) are provided.
    Site contents: (1) Laozi 老子; (2) Taiyi sheng shui 太一生水; (3) Zi yi 緇衣; (4) Lu Mu gong wen Zi Si 魯穆公問子思; (5) Qiong da yi shi 窮達以時; (6) Wu xing 五行; (7) Tang Yu zhi dao 唐虞之道; (8) Zhongxin zhi dao 忠信之道; (9) Cheng zhi wen zhi 成之聞之; (10) Zun de yi 尊德義; (11) Xing zi ming chu 性自命出; (12) Liu de 六德; (13) Yu cong 語叢 1-4; (14) Others 殘簡.
    Note: For full display of all characters a special character extension is needed which can only be installed under Chinese Windows or Windows 2000 and later.
    Added 15 Aug 2001 (HL)

  11. Essential!
    Digital Silk Roads = ディジタル・シルクロード (国立情報学研究所 (National Institute of Informatics), Tokyo, Japan)
    Language: English, Japanese.
    Cited description: "We wish to archive now the huge amount of cultural resources that have been collected and studied from the ancient to the current in a form without deterioration, and inherit those resources for the future. We wish to improve accessibility to those cultural resources for many people to actually see and use those resources."
    Description: A fascinating collection of different resources. Most of the resources are fully searchable (full text as well as image and map search!).
    Contents: (1) Digital Silk Roads (Digital Archive of Toyo Bunko Rare Books; Citadel of Bam, Iran: Keeping Memories and Gathering Information for Post-earthquake Reconstruction; Silkroad Narratives; Digital Silkroad Kids; Silkroad Maps; Silkroad Terms; Silk Roads in Photographs; NII Imaginary Museum DSR); (2) Overview (About the Project; Portal Sites at NII; Sub Projects; Publications and Others; Project Members; Support); (3) Symposium.
    Resource suggested by Rudolf G. Wagner, Heidelberg University, Heidelberg, Germany.
    Added 18 Dec 2006 (HL)

  12. Very useful
    Silk Road Narratives: A Collection of Historical Texts (Silk Road Seattle, Walter Chapin Simpson Center for the Humanities, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA)
    Language: English.
    Self description: "[This part of the] Silk Road Seattle Project is to make available interesting historical sources which may be used in teaching and learning about the Silk Road. Here is an initial list of links to texts which have been digitized and posted on the web already."
    Description: All texts contained in this collection are in English translation only. No special search facility is provided, but the texts are presented on one Web page each, so the search function of your browser can be used as work around.
    Site contents: (1) Chinese accounts (91 BCE - 1643 CE); (2) The Han Histories (206 BCE - 220 CE); (3) Hou Han shu (25-220 CE); (4) Weilüe (239-265 CE); (5) Faxian (Fa-Hsien) (399-414); (6) Xuanzang (629-645); (7) The T'ang Shu (8-9th c.); and 16 more texts unrelated to China, such as the Periplus of the Erythraean Sea (60 CE) and others. The list will grow over time.
    Resource suggested via Asian Studies WWW Monitor (20 Aug 2004) by John Hill, Australia.
    Added 18 Jan 2005 (HL)

  13. Very useful
    Digital Research Library (DRL): Modern China Studies (East Asian Library/Digital Research Library, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, USA)
    Language: English, Chinese (GB).
    Self description: "[...] Since the digitization of selected monographs was a pilot project by the University of Pittsburgh's Digital Research Library, only 36 titles (37 volumes with approximately 10,500 pages) published before 1955 were selected from the East Asian Library (EAL). The goal of this pilot project is to enhance the access to these rare and unique primary documents and reference books for both researchers and librarians. The titles cover two categories: primary sources and reference tools. The subject areas range from politics, economy and law to history, education and literature. Primary sources are divided by subject: history (4), law (2), literature (1), political science (4) and social sciences (8). Reference tools are arranged by type: bibliography (1), chronology (1), directory (1), handbooks (2), statistics (7) and yearbooks (5)."
    Description: Although limited to 36 titles, this digitizing project can serve as an exemplary model in terms of metadata, image quality, and project documentation. The available texts "about Modern China published in the first half of the twentieth century" are listed on a single "Texts" page, each linking to an information page with a detailed bibliographic description and a table of contents. Each item of this table is linked to the corresponding page image of the text. The main shortcoming of the whole project is that all texts are available as images only, there is no fulltext. Texts are displayed within an embedded application called "Pageviewer", that allows to view the page as image (small, normal, or large) or as pdf-file (requiring Adobe Acrobat plugin). One can also jump to a specific page; an overview list of all text-pages (numbers or thumbnails) is not available. It is recommended to view the files as pdf because that allows for easy zooming in/out the page. Unfortunately, this is not the default option, but once set to "view page as pdf" it will not change within the current text. There is no "full screen" option; to display a full page on the screen one has to zoom out in pdf mode, or to print the page. The "About" section offers insight into the concepts and process of digitization, a section explaining why each individual text was chosen for digitization is missing.
    Site contents: (1) Home; (2) Selection; (3) Texts; (4) About; (5) Copyright; (6) Help; (7) Contact Us.
    Added 11 Aug 2005 (MA)

  14. City University of Hong Kong Theses Online (City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong)
    Self description: "City University of Hong Kong Theses Online (CityUTO) provides online access to the abstracts and tables of contents of CityU research postgraduate theses and taught postgraduate dissertations available in the Library, dating back to 1990. Browsing CityUTO: Theses and dissertations covered can be browsed by title, degree and department. Searching CityUTO: CityUTO can be accessed via the Library Catalogue where theses and dissertations titles can be retrieved by standard search criteria such as author, title, subject and keyword."
    Site contents: (1) By Title; (2) By Degree; (3) By Department; (4) Search in Library Catalogue.
    Added 06 Mar 2005 (MA)

  15. Hong Kong University Theses Online (University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong)
    Language: English and Chinese (Big5).
    Self description: "The Hong Kong University Theses Collection holds 12,475 titles of theses and dissertations submitted for higher degrees to the University of Hong Kong since 1941. The first recorded thesis was dated 1928, though all theses prior to 1941 were lost during the occupation of WWII. HKUTO includes works in the arts, humanities, education and the social, medical and natural sciences. Many of them deal entirely with or focus on subjects relating to Hong Kong. The collection is primarily in English, with some in English and Chinese, and others in Chinese only. Almost all HKU theses are included in HKUTO. Missing ones might be located in HKU departmental libraries. HKUTO now [March 2005; M.A.] includes 793 fulltext theses."
    Site contents: (1) Search; (2) Browse by Degree; (3) Browse by Dept / Program; (4) Browse HKU FullText ETDs; (5) Theses at HKU.
    Added 06 Mar 2005 (MA)

  16. Very useful
    中国研究论文库 = China Research Papers Online - Paper Collection (The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China)
    Language: Chinese (GB); English.
    Supplied note: "An immense collection of online and printed articles on China. The "Paper Collection" is part of the Universities Service Centre homepage hosted by the Chinese University of Hong Kong."
    Description: Although the criteria for selection of the papers remain unclear this site contains a number of high quality articles, especially on modern society, politics and economy. The texts are available as fulltext html-files and the site offers good cross-links to related articles. However, there are no references to original page numbers, most articles do not show publishing dates, notes are not linked and in some western texts the spaces are not correctly displayed. The search function looks for title, author, and (free) keywords, result lists may be long but search terms are not highlighted. Articles may also be browsed by author (Chinese names only) or (sub-) categories.
    Site contents: (1) Philosophy, Culture, History; (2) Society, Household, Social Sciences; (3) Economy, Labor and Capital, Communications; (4) Industry, Service Sector; (5) Rural Areas, Agriculture; (6) Politics, Administration; (7) Diplomacy, Military Affairs, National Policies; (8) Finance, Banking, Trade; (9) Law; (10) Education; (11) Environment, Geography, Science; (12) Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan; (13) Literature, Arts; (14) Research Reports, Book Reviews; (15) Browse by Categories; (16) Article Search; (17) Authors Index; (18) Submit Articles.
    Resource suggested by Christian G�bel, Duisburg University, Duisburg, Germany.
    Added 28 Jul 2005 (MA)

  17. Very useful
    Les classiques des sciences sociales : Marcel Granet et la Chine ancienne (The classics of social science : Marcel Granet and ancient China) (Universite du Quebec a Chicoutimi, Chicoutimi, Canada)
    Language: French.
    Description: This site contains fulltext publications in French on ancient China (up to Han Dynasty, AD 220) by eminent French Sinologists of the early 20th century, freely downloadable in Word, PDF or Rich text format.
    Contents: (1) Marcel Granet (1884-1940) (his 13 publications on ancient China, including "La civilisation chinoise" and "La pensee chinoise"); (2) Les Classiques chinois (translations of the Confucian classics in French and English); (3) Les contemporains de Marcel Granet (publications by Henri Maspero (1883-1945), Edouard Chavannes (1865-1918), Leon Weiger s.j. (1845-1933), Henri Cordier (1849-1925), Ernst Viktor Zenker (1865-1946), Victor Segalen (1878-1919), P. Henri Dore, s.j. (1859-1931) and Pere Evariste Huc (1813-1860).
    Note: Although the site does not offer a fulltext search function, all texts are searchable using advanced search features of Google and other search engines (e.g. by restricting search to the domain "http://classiques.uqac.ca/").
    Resource suggested by Rudolf G. Wagner, Heidelberg University, Heidelberg, Germany.
    Added 17 Dec 2006 (HL)

  18. Very useful
    Gallica : la bibliothèque numérique (Gallica : the digital library) (Bibliothèque nationale de France)
    Language: French.
    Description: The digital library of the National Library of France contains a number of rare and valuable items pertaining to China. Searching for auteur (author) "Kircher" or "Trigault" will bring up illustrations from their "China monumentis qua sacris qua profanis ..." and "De Christiana expeditione apud Sinas ..." respectively, and searching for sujet (subject) "chine" will lead to books by Du Halde, Le Comte and many others. Books come as PDF files, while illustrative works ("documents iconographiques") are presented as JPEGs. Unfortunately these illustrations can't be resized and are too small to be decipherable.
    Resource suggested via Rudolf Wagner (Heidelberg University, Heidelberg, Germany) by Nicolas Standaert (Catholic University

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  • 半个世纪的中国研究——访澳大利亚汉

    马克林(Colin Mackerras)教授是澳大利亚著名汉学家,早年毕业于墨尔本大学,后获英国