Women and Gender in China Studies 丛书出版计划_国际汉学研究——汉学,汉学家,汉学研究,sinology,china studies

Women and Gender in China Studies 丛书出版计划

来源:译研网 作者:时间:2016-10-17 15:31


Call for Manuscripts

Book Series Title: Women and Gender in China Studies 

(ISSN: 1877-5772)


Series Editor: Grace S. Fong (McGill University)

Editorial Board: Louise Edwards (UNSW), Robin D.S. Yates (McGill University) and Harriet T. Zurndorfer (Leiden University)

 Series Description: This series aims to publish theoretically-informed, source-based scholarship on women and gender issues in China studies. Manuscript submissions may range in chronological coverage from earliest times to contemporary China. We will consider monograph studies as well as edited volumes from all disciplines in the humanities and social sciences. We also encourage interdisciplinary and comparative approaches to complex themes and questions.

Published Titles in the Series:

·       Migrating Fujianese: Ethnic, Family and Gender Identities in an Early Modern Maritime World, by Guotong Li (2016)

·       Men and Masculinities in Contemporary China, by Geng Song and Derek Hird (2014)

·       Romancing the Internet: Producing and Consuming Chinese Web Romance, by Jin Feng (2013)

·       The Inner Quarters and Beyond: Women Writers from Ming through Qing, edited by Grace S. Fong and Ellen Widmer (2010)

·       Lost Bodies: Prostitution and Masculinity in Chinese Fiction, by Paola Zamperini (2010)

·       Maoist Model Theatre: The Semiotics of Gender and Sexuality in the Chinese Cultural Revolution (1966-1976), by Rosemary A. Roberts (2009)

·       Women in China from Earliest Times to the Present: A Bibliography of Studies in Western Languages, by Robin D.S. Yates (2009)

Submissions: We welcome submissions of book proposals and manuscripts for consideration for inclusion in the series.  Submissions should be in English and can be sent to the attention of Senior Acquisitions Editor Qin Higley, at higley@brill.com, or Series Editor Grace S. Fong at 






Professor Louise Edwards FAHA, FASSA, FHKAH

President of the Asian Studies Association of Australia
Convenor Asian Studies

School of Humanities and Languages
Room 332, Morven Brown Bldg
UNSW Australia 
Sydney, NSW 2052

T: +61-2-9385-1027
E: louise.edwards@unsw.edu.au 
Website: https://unsw.academia.edu/LouiseEdwards


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