For the 14th Biennial CSAA Conference to be held as part of ICAS9, Adelaide Convention Centre, July 5-9 2015, the deadline for submissions has been extended to March 22.
All abstracts need to be submitted via the ICAS9 website, then use the CSAA tab http://www.icas9.com/ .
To date, we have received over 120 China-related abstracts for panels and papers. We have extended the deadline to ensure the possibility of participation for all members in this once-only form of CSAA conference.
The first confirmed keynote speaker is the internationally renowned expert on the Chinese Internet, Prof Guobin YANG on Speech Censorship in China from Wall to Firewall.
More details will be released via Twitter@ #icas9 and the ICAS9 Facebook page.
Postgraduate students should note that registration includes the ICAS9 Postgraduate Training Day to be held on Sunday, July 5.
Postgraduate scholarships covering registration fees are available. For details of conditions and application procedure, see:
Scholarship applications will also close March 22.
REGISTRATION: Early-bird rates will apply to all CSAA presenters who submit abstracts by the due date.
For any enquiries please contact the Convenor, Gerry Groot.
Dr Gerry Groot
Convenor – ICAS 9 Adelaide 2015
http://www.icas9.com/ The International Convention of Asia Scholars
Head of Discipline & Senior Lecturer in Chinese Studies,
Department of Asian Studies, School of Social Sciences
The University of Adelaide, AUSTRALIA 5005
Ph: +61 8 8313 4312 SMS Mob: 0407 5280 15
e-mail: gerry.groot@adelaide.edu.au
CRICOS Provider number 00123M
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