Applications are invited
for a PhD scholarship – NZ$25,000 per year for 3 years at Victoria University
of Wellington. This PhD dissertation will be part of a large research project
that examines how Chinese intellectuals and artists undertook modernisation of
the concept and practice of art as part ofChina’s quest for modernity. The
candidate will work on his/her own choice of topic within the broader
parameters of the main research project with findings complementary to the
understanding of the historical process of China’s art modernisation in the
first half of the twentieth century.
The successful applicant will have an undergraduate honours or Master’s-level
qualification in a related discipline with native or near-native competence in
Chinese and English. A working knowledge of French and/or Japanese would also
be beneficial. Further details can be found at the website: http://www.fis.org.nz/BreakOut/vuw/schols.phtml?detail+500891.
Those interested are welcome to contact Professor Yiyan Wang at yiyan.wang@vuw.ac.nz.
- 上一篇:“紫荆城里的斯洛文尼亚人”画展近日展出
- 下一篇:台湾电影节将在澳大利亚举行
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