简 介
《中国学研究集刊》系由新加坡图书馆管理局批注发行,编辑委员会主持工作的国际学术期刊,现为半年刊。著名汉学家Marianne Bastid Bruguière、著名语言学家赵金铭教授等担任本刊顾问,由15名来自美、法、澳大利亚、中国大陆、台湾、香港、澳门、新加坡、马来西亚等国家和地区的著名学者担任编委。
稿 约
(四)送刊文稿,中文以两万字为限,英文以一万字为限,中文稿件格式参照《中国社会科学》,英文稿件参照最新版the Chicago Manual of Style (http://www.chicagomanualof style.org/16/
contents.html) 。
Bulletin of the Chinese Studies
Bulletin of the Chinese Studies is an international academic journal registered in National Library Board, Singapore and hosted by an editorial committee. It is a semi-annual journal founded in October 2014.
World renowned sinologist Prof. Bastid Bruguière, and linguist Prof. Zhao Jinming are the consultants for the journal. 15 outstanding researchers from US, France, Australia, Mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau, Singapore, and Malaysia constitute the editorial board.
Bulletin of the Chinese Studies aims to sustain and spread the Chinese culture, and to advance modern sinology research and the communication of the research findings. Original papers or book reviews on linguistics, literature, culture, history, philosophy, and religions are welcomed. To ensure the good quality of manuscripts accepted, blind review is practiced. The manuscripts are expected to be in Chinese, yet English manuscripts are also considered for publication.
Call for Papers
1) Two issues are published each year, one in April and the other in October.
2) Research papers and book reviews on social studies and humanities of China are intended.
3) Submissions are to be first reviewed by editors for approval. If a submission is approved, it is to be blind reviewed by at least two reviewers.
4) Chinese submissions are expected to be within 20,000 words, and English 10,000. Chinese submissions please refer to Chinese Social Studies for the format, English the Chicago Manual of Style (16th edition).
5) Both Chinese and English abstracts of conciseness are to be provided.
6) The editorial committee has the very right to amend the manuscript without prior notice.
7) We possess the copyright for the accepted manuscript which cannot be published again without permission from the editorial committee.
8) For editing issues, please refer to the decisions made by the editorial committee.
9) For enquires on submission and purchase, please contact the editorial committee: sgcj@nybcs.org
10) The author(s) of the accepted manuscript are entitled to one free copy of the issue.
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- ·以语言与艺术为桥梁的汉学研究
人物简介 索尼娅布雷思勒(Sonia Bressler),法国作家,2005年毕业于巴黎第十二大学,获哲学与认识论博士学位,现任教于巴...
金泰成(김태성),韩国著名翻译家,韩国汉声文化硏究所所长。1959年出生于韩国首尔, 毕业于韩国外国语大学中文系, 获文...
邓肯(Campbell Murray Duncan),新西兰汉学家和翻译家,曾任澳大利亚国立大学亚太学院汉学系教授,现任《新西兰亚洲研究杂...
梅约翰(John Makeham) ,著名汉学家,现为澳大利亚国立大学教授,拉伯筹大学中国学研究中心主任,《现代中国哲学》(M...
伊维德(Wilt L.Idema),1944年出生于荷兰的达伦(Dalen),在荷兰莱顿大学学习中国语言与文学。1968~1970年先后在日本札幌的...
李莎(Lisa Carducci)是加拿大著名的作家、诗人、翻译家和油画艺术家。早年曾就读于蒙特利尔大学,获文字学与语言学博士...
林西莉教授 林西莉(Cecilia Lindqvist)生于1932年。瑞典最著名的汉学家之一,也是作家和摄影家。自20世纪70年代起便致力于汉...